Hawlina Maja |
2019 |
Monitor ISH 21. 2 (2019): 123-144. |
Urbane kritične intervencije v prepletu javnega prostora in družbe spektakla / / Urban critical interventions in the intertwining of public space and spectacle society |
Kryžanowski Špela |
2019 |
Urbani izziv 30. 2 (2019): 59-69. |
Primerjalna analiza med izbranimi priporočili fengshuijske šole oblike, jezikom vzorcev Alexandra in sodelavcev ter spoznanji okoljske psihologije / Comparative analysis between selected recommendations of the Feng Shui school of design, the language of samples of Alexander and colleagues and the findings of environmental psychology |
Pavšič Jerica |
2019 |
Monitor ISH 21. 1 (2019) |
Upodobitve generala Maistra v ilustriranih pripovedih za mladino / Depictions of General Maister in illustrated narratives for youth |
Petrović Jesenovec Borut |
2019 |
Monitor ISH 21. 1 (2019) |
Vzpostavitev komunističnega totalitarnega režima – primerjava med prevzemom oblasti v Rusiji oktobra 1917 in v Sloveniji februarja 1943 / The establishment of the communist totalitarian regime – a comparison between the takeover of power in Russia in October 1917 and in Slovenia in February 1943 |
Čakalič Aleš |
2019 |
Časopis za kritiko znanosti 47. 277 (2019): 203-225. |
Kozmopolitski humanizem v filmih hrvaškega režiserja Daliborja Matanića / Cosmopolitan humanism in the films of Croatian director Dalibor Matanić |
Navernik Ignac |
2018 |
Poligrafi 23. 89/90 (2018): 75-98. |
Cerkev kot globalni sindikat ubogih: Teološka izhodišča / The Church as a Global Trade Union of the Poor: Theological Backgrounds |
Kraner Kaja |
2018 |
Časopis za kritiko znanosti 46. 272 (2018): 42-61. |
Ambivalentna vloga sodobne umetnosti in nevladne sfere / The ambivalent role of contemporary art and the non-governmental sphere |
Kraner Kaja |
2018 |
Časopis za kritiko znanosti 46. 272 (2018): 15-30. |
Kulturna politika kot tehnologija vladanja : med gospodarsko in socialno politiko / Cultural policy as a technology of governance: between economic and social policy |
Kotnik Julija |
2018 |
Monitor ISH 20. 2 (2018): 71-93. |
Vpliv filma na dojemanje posameznika / The influence of film on the perception of the individual |
Jovan Nežka |
2018 |
Monitor ISH 20. 2 (2018): 95-113. |
Teorije iger z gledišča ludističnih praks / Game theories from the standpoint of ludicrous practices |
Isrow Zachary |
2017 |
Journal of Arts and Humanities 6. 6 (2017): 84-94. |
Defining Art and Its Future |
Pucelj Maja |
2017 |
Poligrafi 22. 85-86 (2017): 155-174. |
Islamophobia and Xenophobia in Slovenia Through the Eyes of Covered Muslim Women / Islamophobia and Xenophobia in Slovenia Through the Eyes of Covered Muslim Women |
Kandrič Irena |
2016 |
Bogoslovni vestnik 76. 1 (2016): 165 – 175. |
Ptujska Gora: komparacija slovenskega romarskega kraja s Fartacekovim modelom konstrukcije svetega prostora / Ptujska Gora: a comparison of a Slovenian pilgrimage site with Fartacek’s model of the construction of a sacred space |
Kreuh Nives |
2015 |
Vzgoja in izobraževanje 66. 2-3 (2015): 29-35. |
Na poti k e-kompetentni šoli preko E-šolstva, E-učbenikov in e-Šolske torbe / On the way to an e-competent school through E-schooling, E-textbooks and e-School bags |