Doctoral dissertations

Author Date of defence Title of the doctoral dissertation (Slovenian / English)
Kraner Kaja 9 January 2020 Geopolitika umetnosti: primer paralelnega narativa / The geopolitics of art: an example of a parallel narrative
Kryžanowski Špela 18 December 2019 Feng shui in apercepcija prostora: pregled znanstvenih prispevkov in terenska analiza učinkovitosti priporočil/a> / Feng shui and the apperception of space: a review of scientific papers and a field analysis of the effectiveness of recommendations
Pucelj Maja 5 September 2019 Islamofobija skozi prizmo sodobnih migracij / Islamophobia through the prism of modern migrations
Kreuh Nives 19 August 2019 Razvoj digitalne pismenosti učiteljev v Sloveniji / Development of digital literacy of teachers in Slovenia
Isrow Zachary 10 June 2019 The Formulation of Humanness as Being-in-the-World / The Formulation of Humanness as Being-in-the-World
Kandrič Irena 8 March 2018 Prostori moči: pokrajina SV Slovenije v okviru družbene dialektike duhovnosti in zdravja / Spaces of power: the landscape of NE Slovenia within the social dialectic of spirituality and health
Bence Gorazd 19 May 2017 Donatorska podoba 14. in 15. stoletja na Štajerskem: vizualizacija naročnikov v srednjeveških sakralnih prostorih / Donor image of the 14th and 15th centuries in Styria: visualization of clients in medieval sacral spaces
Meh Peer Nataša 30 August 2016 Identiteta mladostnikov v multietničnih razredih poklicne in tehniške šole na Šolskem centru Velenje / Identity of adolescents in multiethnic classes of vocational and technical schools at the Velenje School Center

Published articles

Author Year of publication Journal Title of the article (Slovenian / English)
Hawlina Maja 2019 Monitor ISH 21. 2 (2019): 123-144. Urbane kritične intervencije v prepletu javnega prostora in družbe spektakla / / Urban critical interventions in the intertwining of public space and spectacle society
Kryžanowski Špela 2019 Urbani izziv 30. 2 (2019): 59-69. Primerjalna analiza med izbranimi priporočili fengshuijske šole oblike, jezikom vzorcev Alexandra in sodelavcev ter spoznanji okoljske psihologije / Comparative analysis between selected recommendations of the Feng Shui school of design, the language of samples of Alexander and colleagues and the findings of environmental psychology
Pavšič Jerica 2019 Monitor ISH 21. 1 (2019) Upodobitve generala Maistra v ilustriranih pripovedih za mladino / Depictions of General Maister in illustrated narratives for youth
Petrović Jesenovec Borut 2019 Monitor ISH 21. 1 (2019) Vzpostavitev komunističnega totalitarnega režima – primerjava med prevzemom oblasti v Rusiji oktobra 1917 in v Sloveniji februarja 1943 / The establishment of the communist totalitarian regime – a comparison between the takeover of power in Russia in October 1917 and in Slovenia in February 1943
Čakalič Aleš 2019 Časopis za kritiko znanosti 47. 277 (2019): 203-225. Kozmopolitski humanizem v filmih hrvaškega režiserja Daliborja Matanića / Cosmopolitan humanism in the films of Croatian director Dalibor Matanić
Navernik Ignac 2018 Poligrafi 23. 89/90 (2018): 75-98. Cerkev kot globalni sindikat ubogih: Teološka izhodišča / The Church as a Global Trade Union of the Poor: Theological Backgrounds
Kraner Kaja 2018 Časopis za kritiko znanosti 46. 272 (2018): 42-61. Ambivalentna vloga sodobne umetnosti in nevladne sfere / The ambivalent role of contemporary art and the non-governmental sphere
Kraner Kaja 2018 Časopis za kritiko znanosti 46. 272 (2018): 15-30. Kulturna politika kot tehnologija vladanja : med gospodarsko in socialno politiko / Cultural policy as a technology of governance: between economic and social policy
Kotnik Julija 2018 Monitor ISH 20. 2 (2018): 71-93. Vpliv filma na dojemanje posameznika / The influence of film on the perception of the individual
Jovan Nežka 2018 Monitor ISH 20. 2 (2018): 95-113. Teorije iger z gledišča ludističnih praks / Game theories from the standpoint of ludicrous practices
Isrow Zachary 2017 Journal of Arts and Humanities 6. 6 (2017): 84-94. Defining Art and Its Future
Pucelj Maja 2017 Poligrafi 22. 85-86 (2017): 155-174. Islamophobia and Xenophobia in Slovenia Through the Eyes of Covered Muslim Women / Islamophobia and Xenophobia in Slovenia Through the Eyes of Covered Muslim Women
Kandrič Irena 2016 Bogoslovni vestnik 76. 1 (2016): 165 – 175. Ptujska Gora: komparacija slovenskega romarskega kraja s Fartacekovim modelom konstrukcije svetega prostora / Ptujska Gora: a comparison of a Slovenian pilgrimage site with Fartacek’s model of the construction of a sacred space
Kreuh Nives 2015 Vzgoja in izobraževanje 66. 2-3 (2015): 29-35. Na poti k e-kompetentni šoli preko E-šolstva, E-učbenikov in e-Šolske torbe / On the way to an e-competent school through E-schooling, E-textbooks and e-School bags