Invitation to join the Alumni Club AMEU – ISH
Alma Mater Europaea – Faculty of Humanities, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana (AMEU – ISH) has a distinguished 25-year tradition in postgraduate education and research activity. So far, nearly 200 graduates of masters and doctoral studies who hold high-level positions have completed their postgraduate studies at the faculty, which provides top-level interdisciplinary study in various fields of humanities as well as social sciences, with top internationally renowned researchers and intensively and dedicatedly develops student’s own research potential.
Already some time ago, the idea of establishing an Alumni Club as a contact point for college graduates was born at the Faculty, the in the mid-term Strategic Plan 2018-23 the establishment of the Alumni Club is also identified as one of the priority strategic objectives. That is why we have established the Alumni Club AMEU – ISH, as a part of which we invite all graduates, masters and doctors of science of all generations and programmes to join.
By completing the Application for membership in the Alumni Club AMEU – ISH , you will help to establish and develop professional and social cooperation between graduates and faculty, which is one of the key purposes of the Alumni Club AMEU – ISH.
You should send the completed and signed accession statement to or by post to the following address: Alma Mater Europaea – Faculty of Humanities, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana, Kardeljeva ploščad 1, 1000 Ljubljana (with the attribution “for the Alumni Club AMEU – ISH “) .