Master Study of Humanities
Entry requirements
Who can enroll in the Master’s study programme in Humanities:
- Graduates of 1st degree study programme in Humanities and Social Sciences that have reached at least 180 ECTS credit points and may enter the 2nd degree programme with no additional requirements;
- Graduates of 1st degree study programme from other professional fields, if obligations that are essential for the continuation of the study are fulfilled prior to enrollment; a) Epistemology (10 CP); b) Introduction to Anthropology of Ancient Worlds (5 CP) and c) History of electronic media (5 CP);
- Graduates of a 4-year higher education professional study of the previous (pre-Bologna) study programme in the fields mentioned in paragraph 1 may enter the 2nd degree programme with no additional requirements;
The admission requirements are also met for the candidates who have completed education, as stated in paragraphs 1 and 3, abroad. They can enroll under the same conditions that apply to candidates who have completed education in Slovenia. Prior to enrollment to a Master’s degree programme, these candidates must complete the process of recognition of foreign certificate.
In case of a limited enrollment
The selection of candidates will be based on success of the previous study and achievements in scientific and technical fields. Individual elements of the selection will be valued as follows:
- Success of the previous study (average grade) 60%;
- Evaluation of the final paper 40%.
This is decided by the Academic Affairs Committee.
Requirements for transfers between study programmes
Transfer from other study programmes to the Master’s degree programme ‘Human sciences’ of the 2nd degree programme is possible in accordance with the Higher Education Act, the Criteria for Transfers between Study Programmes (Ur. L. RS 95/2010, 17/2012) and other regulations:
- from university education courses adopted before 11. 6. 2004, from the relevant professional fields. Comparable study obligations will generally be recognised to these candidates when entering the Master’s study programme in Humanities.
- from specialisation courses in Humanities and Social Sciences. Comparable study obligations are recognised to these candidates when entering the Master’s study programme in Humanities.
- students of other university or higher education study programmes, which fulfill the admission requirements for the Master’s study programme in Humanities, will have missing obligations, which they have to undergo if they wish to finish their Master’s degree the new programme, determined.
Doctoral Study of Humanities
Entry requirements
Doctoral Programme in Humanities, in accordance with the last paragraph of Article 38a and Article 16 of the transitional and final provisions of the Higher Education Act, enrolls:
- Graduates of the 2nd degree study programme;
- Graduates of the university education study programme, adopted before 11. 6. 2004;
- Graduates of current specialisation study programme that have completed higher education programme, adopted before 11.6.2004; the Academic Affairs Committee determines study obligations in the range of 30 to 60 CP;
- Graduates of a study programme leading to a Master’s degree or specialisation after completing university education study programme, adopted prior to 11.6.2004, the candidate will be granted at least 60 CP;
- Anyone who has completed professional study programme, regulated by EU directives, or some other uniform Master’s degree study programme that is evaluated with 300 ECTS CP.
Candidates, who have completed education abroad, equivalent to education stated in paragraphs 1 to 5, also meet admission requirements. They can enrol under the same conditions as candidates who have completed education in Slovenia. Prior to enrolment to a Doctoral degree programme, these candidates must complete the process of recognition of foreign certificate.
In case of a limited enrollment
The selection of candidates will be based on success of the previous study and achievements in scientific and technical fields. Individual elements of the selection will be valued as follows:
- Success of the previous study (average grade) 60%;
- Evaluation of the final paper 40%.
This is decided by the Academic Affairs Committee.
Requirements for transfers between study programmes
In accordance with Article 39 of the Higher Education Act and the criteria for transfers between study programmes, it is possible transfer to a 3rd degree study programme from other study programmes of the same level. Transfer applications are assessed individually in accordance with the faculty rules. Obligations, which the student has already passed and may be recognised as fulfilled are considered, together with obligations of a new programme and exams that the student must pass to obtain a doctoral degree from the 3rd degree study programme in Humanities are ascribed.
Graduates of current (i.e. before the Bologna system) curriculum of a Master’s degree or specialisation after completing a university education study programme, are, at enrolment to the 3rd degree of Doctoral study programme, granted study obligations of 60 CP in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 16 of the Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Higher Education (Ur. L. RS 94/06). On this basis, they directly enter second year, while they need to submit a disposition of their doctoral dissertation by the end of the first semester of the same year.
50% the average grade at the undergraduate level
50% study results in selected area (average grade of a chosen field, bibliography, expert recommendations, research, awards for academic work, etc.
1. 1. Advancement to the second year of Master’s and Doctoral study
Students, who have obtained a minimum of 45 CP, i.e. passed exams in three (3) modules: compulsory Epistemology of humanities and two (2) other selected modules/obligations and individual research work within the study programme or course, can enroll to the second year of study.
1.2. Advancement to the third year of a uniform Doctoral study
Students must fulfill the conditions applicable to a direct transition from Master’s to Doctoral study (see 1. 4).
1.3. Advancement to the fourth year of a uniform Doctoral study
No special conditions.
1.4. Guidelines for direct advancement from Master’s to Doctoral study are set out in Rules on Doctoral study (paragraph 3 of Article 4):
“Candidates (…) must fulfill all the obligations of the Master’s study with the exception of writing a thesis and thereby achieve above-average results (high examination grades, above-average research results that must be publicly verifiable, e.g. published in scientific journals). Proposal for a direct transition to Doctoral study is delivered by the coordinator of the study programme in which the candidate enrolled or a mentor, if he/she is already assigned.”
1.5. Advancement to seniority year
After the second year of study towards Master’s degree or the fourth year of study towards Doctoral degree, students are entitled to one year of a so-called seniority year to complete the study without additional substantive and financial conditions.
Students who did not complete postgraduate study within the specified period, that is, within two years after the end of the fourth semester of the Master’s study programme, must submit an application to complete the study. Request should be submitted to the Student Affairs office.
2.1. Guidelines for students who have passed all the commitments of the programme they are enrolled in
Students who have discontinued their study for more than 2 and less than 5 years from the enrollment to the 2nd year of study and have passed all the subscribed commitments (passed all exams and registered a topic of their Master Thesis) can, in agreement with the programme coordinator or head of programme, complete their studies under the subscribed programme conditions, within one year after the approval of the application to complete the study. Requests should be submitted to the Student Affairs office. Decisions are issued by the Academic Affairs Committee.
Students who have discontinued their studies for more than 5 years from enrollment to the 2nd year of study and have passed all of the subscribed commitments of the registered programme or course, must pass one (1) or, exceptionally, several differential exams, which represent a substantial difference between the enrolled and current study program. This is assessed by a current coordinator of postgraduate studies. For the continuation and completion of the study it applies that students of study programmes that are no longer available, students, in agreement with the coordinator of a similar programme, apply for recognition of the already passed commitments and for enrollment to the current similar study programme. Requests should be submitted to the Student Affairs office. Decision is issued by the Academic Affairs Committee.
2.2. Guidelines for students who have not pass all of the obligations of the programme they are enrolled in
Students who have discontinued their study for more than 2 and less than 5 years from the enrollment to the 2nd year of studies and did not pass all of the subscribed commitments, can once more enroll to the last unfinished year and pass the missing exams of their selected modules of the enrolled programme, or a similar (current) programme, if their former programme is no longer available. Enrollment can be done during regular enrollment to postgraduate study, i.e. in September and October. Exceptionally (up to three exams missing), the student may be allowed to continue and complete the study with self-education, without re-entry to the unfinished year. In the case of re-entry, the student is obliged to pay 50% of tuition fees for the academic year of re-entry. Requests should be submitted to the Student Affairs office. Decision on enrollment and graduation conditions are issued by the Academic Affairs Committee.
Students who have discontinued their study for more than 5 years from the enrollment to the 2nd year of study and did not pass all of the subscribed commitments, can, after consultation with the coordinator, enroll in a current study programme and pass all of the commitments of the current postgraduate study programme. Candidate re-enrolls in the first year of the (current) postgraduate study and can apply for recognition of the already passed examinations (if they can be recognised). Enrollment can be made during regular enrollment to postgraduate study. Students pay 50% of tuition fees for the academic year of re-entry to the first year and 100% of tuition fees upon enrollment to the second year. Request should be submitted to the Student Affairs office. Decision on enrollment and graduation conditions are issued by the Academic Affairs Committee.
2.3. Guidelines for completing the programme of Doctoral study is specified in the Rules on Doctoral Studies (Article 11):
“Doctoral degree candidate must, no later than four years from the date when his/her dissertation topic was submitted to the faculty, complete his/her doctoral dissertation in 7 copies.
Candidate who, for justifiable reasons, cannot submit their doctoral dissertation within the said period, may apply for an extension. The Faculty Senate makes a decision on extension of the deadline for the submission of doctoral dissertation.
If a candidate does not submit a doctoral dissertation within the time, set in the first and second paragraph of this Article and does not apply for an extension of the deadline prior to deadline date, it is supposed that the dissertation topic is dismissed.”
Students of a postgraduate study, who wish to change their study programme during the academic year, have to submit an application and obtain:
- consent of both postgraduate programme coordinators. The coordinator of the currently enrolled programme and the coordinator of the programme to which the student wants to enroll have to agree with the transfer;
- decision on change of course is issued by the Academic Affairs Committee on the basis of a positive opinion from both coordinators;
- students must fulfill all entry requirements that apply for the study program they wish to enroll to.